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A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding The NPI Number for Your Health Organization

A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding The NPI Number for Your Health Organization

A national provider identifier (NPI) number is a 10-digit identification number used at the federal level to identify a healthcare entity. With the help of the NPI registry, it is possible to share your NPI number with other employees, physicians, health plans, and other key players in healthcare. The NPI number has now replaced the previously used healthcare provider identification.

There are two significant categories of NPI numbers; the type1 NPI providers and the type 2 NPI providers. Individual healthcare providers, surgeons, dentists, doctors, and others fall under type 1 providers. The type 2 NPI providers include hospitals, organized healthcare professionals, healthcare programs, physician groups, intensive healthcare providers, and other healthcare organizations.

How to Check NPI Number for Your Healthcare Organization

You can find the NPI number for your organization by searching through the NPI registry database. The database is updated regularly with the latest NPI information to cover new organizations and individuals based on their national provider identifier records. The NPI database contains the NPI number registry that you can use to find information about healthcare providers.

You will find information matching the provider details depending on your search criteria. To achieve this, search for the NPI number lookup site. Select the NPI type as an organization or an individual, enter the entity name and, select the state, click the search button to get the updated matching information from the NPI database records. You can also use the NPI number to look for other details about the NPI number.

Some of The Important NPI Lookup Results

The NPI Number and The Enumeration Date

NPI is a unique ten-digit number given to organizational healthcare providers or individual providers. The enumeration date indicates when the national provider identification number was issued.

The Type of NPI

There are two types of NPI indicated on the search results, organizational and group healthcare providers are given type 2 assignments, while individual healthcare providers are given type 1 assignments.

The Status and The Address

The status of an NPI number helps you determine whether it is inactive or active, and it’s shown on the status level. The address shows the contact information linked to the NPI number, the mailing address, and other secondary addresses related to the account.

Taxonomy and Endpoint Information

Taxonomy refers to categorizing the healthcare provider practitioner or any other description of expertise. The health care providers can choose more than one taxonomy code; however, only one code can be used as the principal category. The endpoint information is where the service provider or the customer can access the service, which is done with the help of a website and can also be done directly.


The NPI number streamlines the healthcare organization and doctors’ workload. You can easily find the NPI number by searching through the NPI number registry database, which contains all the NPI records. Some look-up results include the NPI number and the enumeration date, the type of the NPI, the status and address, taxonomy, and endpoint information.